Wow, this absolutely fucking sucks.

I don't even know where to begin.

well for one, this DLC is basically just, "Hey do you wanna replay the final act of the base game and then do a boss rush and then do the most bullshit bossfight you've played in your life? then come get this DLC!"

You literally play, basically the whole final act... again.

Yes you can play as different characters, but what's the point? they are all so weak compared to Sora and you just wanna get through it quickly BECAUSE YOU'VE FUCKING DONE IT ALREADY, so going through as just Sora makes it so much easier. Then you have the bit with the whole group fighting off the heartless and Mickey goes one against like hundred and yes, I do love anime mickey moments, it was still literally just holding forward and watching stuff happen. Still cool, but bruh.

Then once you beat the final act of the base game, AGAIN. You go onto a boss rush where you fight all the organisation members... why wasn't this in the base game? KH2 has this exact thing, and it was in the base game. It's so fucking stupid.

AND THEN, once you do all that what are you greeted with? Yozora, the worst boss fight I ever played.

I didn't actually finish this boss, because after my 15th or so attempt I put my controller down, took a long look at myself and said "you know what? No, I am not going to do this".

Because sometimes in life you just have to say no and stop doing something you hate.

and my god, do I hate this.

I cannot remember the last time a game has brought genuine hatred out of me. Anger? sure happens all the time. but pure hatred. Jesus Christ.

This boss exemplifies everything I despise about Kingdom Hearts combat as a whole. Bosses with super armour, attacks that you can't block or dodge, imprecise controls. everything ugly about the combat gameplay that up to this point had been hidden by flashy moves and actual fun boss fights rears it's ugly head here.

and what makes all these issues stand out is one simple thing about this boss, there is no pattern.

every other boss in these games has a pattern that you can learn and eventually exploit, that is the fun of each of them. This fucker? does things randomly. You cannot exploit any patterns. sure you can recognise certain moves, but you can never predict what he is going to do next, and because he's the fastest fucking thing alive, by the time you realise what he's about to do, he's already done it.

Your only hope in this boss is to spam shit and pray.

I hate this so much.

I hate super armour on bosses. I hate having to be at the mercy of poor game mechanics and imprecise controls. if you're going to make a difficult boss fight then you have to make it so you at least feel like you and the boss are at the same level, and that the difficulty comes from his moveset and not from bullshit mechanics like super armour or HAVING A 5 MINUTE SECTION WHERE HE CAN HIT YOU ALL HE WANTS AND YOU LITERALY CANNOT HIT HIM BACK.

Such shit boss design. AND WHAT'S EVEN WORSE IS YOUR "REWARD"

you get two cutscenes from this final boss, one when you lose and one when you win and you wanna know something funny? THEIR BASICALLY THE SAME FUCKING CUTSCENE WITH SLIGHT ALTERATION.

I... I hate this. so much.

The story told in this DLC, is one third just a retelling of the end of KH3, one third Sora's journey to find Kairi's heart after it was lost at the end of KH3, and expanding on Sora's fate after he disappears.

absolutely none of it feels important. It adds so little to anything and everything, they could not have made this and it would've made no difference to the overall story.

This was so just a DLC for the sake of having DLC moment and I despise it so much.

I am going to try my best, and forget this ever existed.

All I have left is Melody of Memory. and this has honestly just made me wanna be done with this series even more.

Honestly just going to act like this isn't a thing from now on. Just ended with the base game cliff-hanger, the rest will be explained in KH4.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2022


I don't really want to be the guy that goes "skill issue" when it comes to topics like this, but as someone who just beat Yozora for the first time, the ways you described the fight range from heavily exaggerated to straight up wrong. He does actually have very clear patterns to his attacks, he just tends to shake them up a bit by mixing up the move he does first to keep you on your toes. You're acting like he just does anything on a whim when there is a very clear order to some of his attacks, like how the tractor beam attack always follows the drones that make a pyramid, which always follows that one attack where he shoots out a small wave of cubes(I'm not quite sure how to describe that one). You keep mentioning super armor that isn't actually that much of a factor frequently. I know it might seem rude, but it might be worth giving the fight a few more shots with a cool head. You might pick up on parts you didn't notice before.

(Also the desperation move is actually half of that length and does have some openings to attack)
Also the data organization wasn't in KH2's base game, that was in the Final Mix rerelease

1 year ago

Skill issue

1 year ago

Oh there is 100% a skill issue here. I could not beat this fight for the life of me, but man I do genuinely hate the combat system here.

Could it be because I marathoned all of these games back to back and by the end I was just sick of it? fuckin probably.

But after so many hours of this series I was so sick of bosses throwing in random attack patterns and super armour which I hate in video games in general. Even thinking about this boss is making me agitated.

I will definitely come back another time and give it another attempt, probably just before KH4 releases.

but man, Yozora constantly doing shit everytime with next to no way to predict what he's gonna do and just praying that he doesn't do that one move you really don't need him to do was just so draining and irritating. Like i just wanted to learn a definitive pattern and go home lmao.

I do agree though, there is a way to do that fight that requires a level of skill and patience that at the moment I cannot be fucked to acquire lmao.

maybe some day.