Is pretty good.

To be honest these types of games never really interested me, I'd seen clips and thought it looked interesting but first person shooters as a whole I'm just typically not a fan of.

but damn i'm glad I gave this game a go, it's great.

there are definitely some issues but let's start with the positives.

The combat is fun af.

It's so fluid and you have so much freedom of movement, the entire game is just blasting your way through demons and it honestly never gets old due to just how powerful you feel, it's really satisfying. Especially when you get to pull off glory kills which allows you to rip your enemies apart with your bare hands.

The enemy design is also great, each enemy has their own way of effectively defeating them and they all manage to feel unique in their own way, same goes for the weapons in the game. For a game that's mostly about going guns blazing into every fight there's a surprising amount of strategy with the various enemy and weapon types.

The difficulty spike hits just right as well, the game feels like it gets harder when it's supposed too. As soon as it starts feeling a bit too easy they hit you with a difficulty spike.

The game as a whole is very well paced.

Honestly the most enjoyment I got out of this game was putting on some happy joyful music and mowing down demons. It is a vibe.

The level design in some areas is superb as well, mainly in the Hell levels, Hell looks awesome in this game. So many cool design choices I love it.

Now the negatives.

The story is really just not there. Like it's there. but it's not there.

It's a very simple plot that honestly takes a backseat to the gameplay which to be fair is the main reason to play the game.

The level design in every area that isn't Hell is pretty ass. Mars is such a boring place to look at and all the futuristic labs all look the same.

I thought a few checkpoint placements were a bit jank, mainly between areas with massive fights but nothing too bad.

Also when your guns run out of ammo they only auto-switch SOMETIMES, it was very bizarre and fairly annoying.

Besides all that though this game is pretty damn good. The gameplay is hella satisfying and it never feels like it overstays it's welcome and some of the level design can be really cool.

Easily one of if not the best first person shooters I've played... not that that's difficult to achieve but shhh.

I wouldn't say I'm excited to play the sequel however, I'll definitely get around to it but It doesn't feel like a priority, not sure I could do another 10+ hours of this lol.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2022
