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well, 3.5 feels too low, but 4 star feel too high.

Sooo, just see this as 3.75 stars

I did like this game, but damn it's so overrated lmao.

I already know I've pissed off so many people saying that but imo it's true.

This game is carried heavily by it's story. which isn't saying much when the story is kinda meh at times.

Most of this game is just, go to new place, meet this new person/people, shoot some people/infected, go to new place rinse and repeat. It gets a bit monotonous at times.

Thankfully the actual storybeats during these sections are usually enough to keep me drawn in, even if it is something I've seen done dozens of times before.

Joel and Ellie are great characters, I do like them both and their dynamic. but Joel is a piece of shit lol. Look, I get we all love some found family dynamics, but destroying humanity's chance to get a cure just because you want your surrogate daughter back? and then lying directly to her face about it? kindaaaaa not great bro.

Anyway yeah, story carries the game, the combat did grow on me, but just like the Uncharted games it wasn't exactly fun. Just a lot of stay behind cover, shoot bad guy, stay behind cover, shoot bad guy. However, at least in this game there's the crafting system and the sparsity of ammo which does keep things more interesting which I liked. But still not great.

Clickers can suck my dick.

The game looks nice visually. There's some nice humours moments. The soundtrack is pretty decent.

I main problem with this game for me, i think is just time.

When this came out it quickly became a staple in gaming because it was the first game to do so many things. However, it's been nearly 10 years since this game has come out and so many games have taken from this game and just done it a lot better. Which again, is not the game's fault, nothing can stay special forever. And I think the fact that I've played a lot of games that play similar to this but just improved in every way, makes this game feel... not exactly dated but, just run of the mill I guess.

I never saw or felt anything special in this game like I'm sure many did years ago.

It was just an entertaining adventure with a story I've seen dozens of times and with gameplay I've played dozens of times.

Told my friend this and he told me to fuck off lmao.

Anywaysss, hype for TLOU2, totally heard nothing but great things. Can't wait.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2022
