Freeware shmups

Want to get into shmups on a tight budget? These are some great shmups that only require a compatible device.

Xeno Fighters R
Xeno Fighters R
Do note that there are console and mobile ports of this game that cost money, but the PC original is free.
Parsec 47
Parsec 47
The port on Blast Works is not free. PC version is.
Eden's Aegis
Eden's Aegis
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Cho Ren Sha 68K
The Windows version was removed from the dev's website as part of the version 1.10 update. 1.10 is X68k only, but it's also free; you will need an emulator to run it on Windows and possibly poke around some settings.
Bullet Hell Monday Finale
Bullet Hell Monday Finale
PC version is completely free and has no ads or microtransactions, mobile version has those.
Blue Wish Resurrection Plus
Blue Wish Resurrection Plus


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