Mega Man X 1993

Log Status






Time Played

2h 41m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 2, 2024

Platforms Played


Mega Man X really conveys what it's trying to be: A new generation of Mega Man!
The plot of this game, while not too complex, offers more than what the Classic series offered at the time, with more dialogue, a new villain in the form of Sigma...
and Zero, one of the coolest characters in the franchise... even if he gets killed like a bitch in this one. He tried his best.

The gameplay is really fun, and the new Dash ability that X has is really fun to use! Combined this with some great level design, and more exploration than before, thanks to the incentive to get more Heart Tanks, Armor Pieces and Sub Tanks, and you got yourself a great action platformer!

The only part I didn't really like as much as the rest of the game were the Sigma stages. They were not bad, but I didn't find their level design as strong as the rest of the game. The final boss was cool, though.