A pretty good return to form for Mario Party, after the previous few that had everyone sharing a vehicle all the time. Only 4 boards, but there's a good selection of modes, and a surprising amount of unlockables and things to complete. But most importantly, the minigames on offer are good fun.


All in all, a pretty disappointing walking sim, where the main goal seems to have been to make the walking aspect more tedious. Featuring low stamina when running, drab repetitive environments, and survival mechanics that add little to the experience. The puzzles are a welcome inclusion, but can be counter-intuitive, and often amount to just needing an item from another cabin, requiring yet more joyous walking back and forth. And if you're going for all the trophies, you'll have to skip vehicles, so be ready to spend a few hours clicking L3 repeatedly as your stamina depletes every few seconds.

The story seems interesting enough, and provided you read the documents it provides enough intrigue to see you through to the end. But if you've played a few walking sims or horror games, you've likely already seen this story told much better. I don't recommend unless you're a big fan of the genre, or you really love snowy forests.