The traditional Yakuza goofiness is here in full force and it's hilarious. Despite that, this game still manages to have one of the most gripping narratives I've played in a long time. Can't recommend enough if you enjoy action rpgs or beat em ups.

Improves on the first in every way and encourages player freedom and expression. Highly recommend if you enjoy open world games.

Story is good, gameplay is ass

Opposite of 358, good gameplay but possibly the most irrelevant story in the series

Already liked the game but ReMind helps it so much, the data fights are the most fun I've had in the series and some of the most fun fights I've had in gaming period.

Enjoyed my time with it but can't see myself coming back to it

This is where the series peaked, change my mind. My favorite Pokemon game in the series and one that will always hold a special place in my heart.

Think this game gets too much hate, easily some of the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game, even if it is a bit rough around the edges.

Don't let the cringe anime moments fool you, this is one of the best jrpgs I've ever played. A beautiful world, really fun combat (that the game explains horribly), and one of my favorite game OSTs of all time. Definitely recommend giving it a try.

Really fun gameplay, but story isn't as good as something like 3H

Possibly has my favorite combat in the series, and some amazing music. Also liked all the weapons and outfit customization. Story was a mess but thankfully this is Bayonetta and I didn't care about the story much to begin with, so it doesn't bother me too much.