A great and creative 3d platformer game. The humor is good and the gameplay was fun. What amazed me most about the game is how unique they made each level, really reflecting on the premise of entering people's minds.

The first four "worlds" of the game are on the average side in terms of how interesting and fun they were. But every world after was amazing in how creative they were and each gimmick involved with that world was fun to play with.

The attention to detail for small stuff was also great, NPCs reacted to you doing stuff or holding things while talking to them. The psi power that lets you see through people's eyes shows you how they see the main character. All of this little stuff was unnecessary but adds a whole lot to the experience. You can tell that they put a lot of time and love into the game because of this.

Two complaints I have with this game though is that I did not like that I had to backtrack for 100% and getting the figments were a big pain at times. I'm not a big fan when you have to backtrack in 3d platformers to get everything in the first level. Personally, I believe that they should be designed to be able to get everything you can in the first go. Collecting the figments where a bit of a pain too because of the fact that they were made out of light colors with a decent amount of transparency, making it annoying that I had to go around the level muitlbe times to find the slightly more light-colored green figment sitting on a green wall.

Over all, it's a great game and I cant wait to play the sequel.

Reviewed on May 22, 2022
