This game just wasn’t made AT ALL for mobile, it doesn’t fit nicely on most mobile screens either, and up until like last year it was quite bugged.

The game isn’t quite the same anymore, what with half of the once thriving community dead and another half having jumped ship to the sequel. Town of Salem is a relic of a former online world of gaming, one that is barely surviving.

But hey, All Any is where the real magic happens!

Ah, the steam version, pretty fun way to still play the game, but over time the community kinda become more n more toxic… idk.. but I remember buying this game for a few of a my friends and I’m glad I was finally able to financially support BlankMediaGames when I did.

I have been playing this game for ages. Ever since the days of RpgMinx, Dlive & the others!

It was so fun coming home from school everyday to play some salem, the roleplay was also so silly but everyone always tried to stay in character.

Top notch.

I loved the wackiest of this game, was super fun to mess around in

I’ve been playing for quite a while, and yeah its gotta pretty bad with the company’s focus on growth instead of making a better platform but the games that people make on here are AWESOME, the playerbase hard carries this game, the devs do not give any hoots about their users.

Man, I played the hell outta this game when I was younger, I used to forget my passwords all the time and just kept making more and more accounts lol. Good times.

It’s easier to play on PC but MAN DO PEOPLE LOVE TO CONSTANTLY TROLL OTHERS, and theres all this bloat on the online mode nowadays man, it’s just too much


I played the hell outta this game when it was in early access, loved it alot when it fully released to.

So much fun in a pixel world

Loved being able to play Portal 1, Half-life 2, etc but was sad at the fact it’s literally impossible to play the PS3 version of Team Fortress 2 :[

would've loved to see the game played on release day

Little Robertybob back in 2013 fell in-love with this game through the ‘Meet the’ animation shorts and the TF2 fandom content on YouTube.

Oh if only Little Robertybob could see me now, with my genuine Octodad halloween hat, just like he always wanted.

I love this game.

Incredibly fun game, this game is still the best place to experience the online gaming world of the 2000s.

So many hours solely spent playing TTT, the best gamemode no doubt.

:] love it

I only used to play java to play on all my friend’s servers & realms. I miss it but I also kinda don’t :>

I used to play this game a bunch on my mother’s phone and that gave me the idea of getting it on my own phone!

Very fun endless game(?), I enjoyed making music with the little guys you’d get.

Sad they abandoned this game and stopped updating it :[

I enjoyed playing online alot on here back in the day, I remember a friendly exploiter giving me a boatload of levels, xp and money.

The online for this version was immensely fun, you weren’t always hiding from trolls back then. :]

The story is also AMAZING! I always enjoy playing as Franklin cause he has the best ability in the game.

Been playing this version since 2014, I have loved every moment of it and it’s a very emotional version to me because its the one I used to play on with my classmates. We would make survival and creative worlds and we’d have so much fun :]

Good times.