A very fun game from a childhood franchise!

Would recommend for children.

I played the absolute shit outta this game, this was my Club Penguin, my World of Warcraft, I was utterly addicted to this franchise as a child.

AND WITH SUCH A GOOD REASON TO, the original flash site was filled to the brim with content!!!

It was so popular it had its own area (the game’s carnival) where other games could advertise their game on the site!

A pretty amazing racing game, that STILL has working online for the PS3 in 2024!!

It can be quite annoying with some challenges like the timed ones or the survival timed one but there is a lot of fun to be had!

A shame what happened to Black Rock tho :[

A solid Batman game, I love brutally beating up sad souls I find on the streets!

A legendary racing game, with amazing music, the ability to customise your character and a story mode that you can play with a friend, Little Big Planet Karting is one of the greatest “Mario Kart Clones” ever made!

Love this game so much.

The first game I ever played on my PlayStation 3, and what a starter! Very very fun to play.

I love almost everything about this game!

It was ehhhh, I remember it being pretty overwhelming.

Don’t really remember much, will try it again when I Rebuy.

It’s alright? I’d recommend getting it for vita instead of your main PS3 cause man, is it kinda annoying to play on a home console!

Very fun physics game with a free story mode too!

I remember seeing Markiplier play this a long long time ago, so this has always been on my wishlist, bought it recently and wallah! Its pretty fun

It’s a great little physics game, I will replay it and update my review to reflect this.

I absolutely love this game, it’s so fun to race forever especially with such an amazing soundtrack!

I also love the little secrets each track has, definitely one of the best arcade ports out there!

Pretty silly game to play on PS3, button mashing feels so much better on console

Love this little silly game, very fun to play with friends!

It’s an alright port, kinda laggy but it’s fun

almost exclusively used this version to play on friends’ realms and worlds.