There's nothing really to say other than this game might just be the greatest platformer of all time, even 30 years past its launch. Unlike its eventual successors, that often felt lifeless and copy-pasted, this game has its own unique feel and look that aged gracefully. Yet unlike the also iconic SMB trio on the NES, the game still feels modern and easily accessible.

The speed and control of the game make it incredibly fun to play and go fast on, and the new cape item really only adds to this feeling. It's really a direct upgrade over the tanooki leaf. The addition of Yoshi as a super power-up was also a very welcome addition. The only thing I think SMB3 really has to claim over its successor is the amount of new power-ups, but the few added to Super Mario World were massive hits and much more memorable in comparison.

Every level feels unique, and a single screenshot of any level often times is enough for me to remember everything about it. To add to the uniqueness, an all new world map makes this game feel like it is taking place in a real area, and the secret exits in many of the levels were used to incentivize and reward extra curious players, often with items, switch palaces, or shortcuts. The secret exits likely helped so many of the levels feel unique and memorable.

The developers mentioned that they did not believe in a difficulty slider, and preferred that players choose their own adventure's difficulty. Their claim was that the Switch Palaces would act as a customizable in game difficulty control, but I have to disagree. Outside of the Chocolate Fortress, levels were typically not made much more difficult at all. But to me, it does not really matter. Super Mario World as it is, is the perfect difficulty for a platformer. It is one that is not overly difficult just for the sake of it, as well as one that is not a complete walk in the park. I find that when you get too comfortable, and start going very fast, the game tends to humble you a little bit. For the players that really want the extra challenge, the special world was a great addition as well. The ending of the final level, 'Funky,' was an especially iconic moment for me as a gamer.

Only a handful of levels really feel like they mess with the pacing, and to nobody's surprise, those were the auto scrollers. Notably, the Butter Bridge autoscroller level is the one that sticks out, but most players won't even encounter this level on a first playthrough. The rest of the experience makes up for it, anyways.

The effect it truly has had on gaming as a whole can't be understated, and it's no surprise to me that there is such a dedicated scene for mods and hacks of the game. There is no better game to choose as a base due to its combination of smooth gameplay mechanics and beautiful retro graphics.

For as accessible as it is today on modern Nintendo consoles, it is a must play for any Nintendo fan and really any gamer in general, regardless of age and background. The game is something anyone can enjoy, and the low points are few and far between. An absolute masterpiece.

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
