The art and the visuals are gorgeous, as are the character designs (help I'm gay).
The music is amazing and manages to stay great even though you hear it over and over and over again.
The writing is amazing. Both the banter between battles and the overall story. I don't think I ever read a trans story as relatable as act 3. The game's political message is great, though the political metaphor could have been a bit better, especially regarding the Divine Order.
But unfortunately, it is still a quite flawed game.
This was Christine Love's first attempt at making a game that isn't a visual novel, there's combat! And unfortunately, I hate the combat.
90% of combat strategy is done while setting up your equipment, 10% is selecting your equipment during combat, and the rest is just button mashing. You can't even settle on one strategy because every rank of items has new different effects that don't necessarily work with what you've been doing so far (I'm sure some people like being pushed towards experimenting. I don't).
There's also no real sense of progression past getting the 4th party member. You have to rank up to keep up with your enemies who are also ranking up. There could have been some progression in the equipment skills, but unfortunately, the skills of a higher rank aren't necessarily stronger than the ones from the rank before. I often even found them weaker.
The DLC somewhat helps with these issues by giving you some equipment that scales as you progress so you have something you can use as your constant core. Unfortunately, you're unable to buy DLC equipment once you finish the DLC and there's no warning of this so I ended up with way less DLC equipment than I would have liked (this appears to have been patched).

Despite this, the game is amazing

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

You can buy the DLC equipment after completing the DLC now, think this must have been patched.