No other Final Fantasy game up to this point has put this much focus on the combat. More different jobs than any previous title and more possibilities to combine abilities than anyone could imagine. So many different ways to feel like you’ve broken the game. And yet the game is still beatable with just one job per character (allegedly, I’ll have to see for myself next June during the four job fiesta).
The combat is really fun and thanks to the Pixel Remaster you can save frequently so you’re unlikely to get frustrated by a sudden encounter that you’re not really properly set up to deal with. There are some issues with the combat like the overabundance of undead (especially with some undead being incredibly non-obvious. Why are red dragons undead?), the gargoyle bosses, and some enemies that have way too much hp, but these pale in comparison to how fun combat is most of the time, especially during the superbosses. It is also more grindy than previous games if that’s an issue for you.

The story of V is a bit weird. I’ve heard people say that just like FFI and III it’s just a simple “protect the crystals” story. I’d personally disagree with that. Even beyond the fact that you spend less time protecting crystals in this game than you did in IV, it’s a different kind of simple. I and III were actually incredibly ambitious stories that were limited by the technology of their time, so they ended up only implying most of that story, but V is just incredibly straightforward.
Simple, straightforward stories aren’t bad, but they also don’t really make you think about the game after you beat it. The characters in this are mostly great (Cid and Mid being the exception) and I kinda wish everyone just got to talk a bit more.

There’s not that much to say about this game. The combat is amazing, the story is good enough, the music is great, I recommend playing it if you think you might like it.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2022
