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Finished playing ninja gaiden.
Yeah i'm sorry i did not have a great time with this game. First of all the gameplay was pretty fun, the movement was fast and it was cool to see cutscenes on an NES game but sadly that's pretty much where the positives end for me. As many people know this game is hard like very hard but not in a good way. The difficulty is mainly because of poorly placed enemies that respawn (fuck dem birds) and the unnecessarily strong knockback. Thank god i played this with save states because whenever you die you get sent back at the beginning of a level and that probably would've made me lose my marbles. The bosses yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh their not good 😬 especially the last 3 bosses holy fuck they are so bad. So yea i personally did not like this game but hey summoning salt made a great videos about the world record speedruns so ig that's something. 5/10