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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 2, 2023

First played

February 27, 2023

Platforms Played


Library Ownership


I’m done with this game. The recent update fixed the outfit rank but now I don’t get money from the store. And the game doesn’t load since yesterday. Stuck on 48% and reinstalling the game doesn’t fix the problem. The latest update has been out for weeks. They can’t even deliver a hotfix in a timely manner.

So I picked the game up again after a while. It got many updates and the experience got better. Despite lots of what I said still applies. This time I’ve done all the chapters that have been released (10). You can see there are at least 3 more chapters planned in-game. My main issues with the game are how buggy and grindy it is. The game was so buggy for a while that it crashed every time I played. This has been fixed since but it’s terrible how long the developers left this unfixed. Currently there is a bug where you can’t increase the rank of your outfits and you don’t get free money after completing chapter 10. The updates usually take 1-3 months to fix game breaking stuff. It’s very disappointing. As for the grind, you should be familiar with how that goes with F2P games. The plan is to take it slow but I’d still like to do the 3 chapters when they’re released and when the game is less buggy. I wouldn’t play the game. Avoid it while you can.

So far playing Netflix on iPad has been a terrible experience. The game can only be played on portrait mode, the resolution feels off and the game only supports touchscreen all the way to the bottom. That might work when your phone is so small and you can easily use your hands. It’s more clumsy when done on a big screen. Also it would have benefited greatly if it had controller support. As for the game itself, I’m surprised it’s on Netflix. It has all your typical mobile bullshit such as too many currencies, timers, deadlines with rewards and the challenge quickly increasing after the first 2 chapters. This version doesn’t let you use micro transactions and it gives some things for free apparently. So it’s supposed to be a better experience but it still feels bad. I’m a fairly big Tomb Raider fan and had no idea what to expect from this when I saw it on Netflix. Don’t do it as a fan or when you know you don’t like those type of games. I’ve made it to chapter 4 (out of 9) and don’t feel like grinding to get further. Even though it has some fun elements, it’s really not worth it.