Enjoyable little loop of an arcade game. If only it used the crank I'd call this is a pretty perfect playdate minigame.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023


4 months ago

Thanks! Glad you like my game.

I'd be interested how you might want to use the crank? I tried many approaches during development but none of them felt good. In fact, most players were confused by use of the crank some saying that using the crank and the dpad at the same time was like trying to pat your head whilst rubbing your belly. In the end I decided to remove the crank mode, my gut said that no crank support was a better experience for the player.

4 months ago

@gingerbeardman Thanks for making it! The indie dev community behind this little handheld truly astounds me!

I've only had my playdate a short while so I'm not sure how valuable my input really is, it was just something that felt right in my head to say, please don't take it too seriously! You made an amazing and addictive little game! Just a wild idea I had while playing, I think it might be neat if the crank somehow 'pulled' the string. Nothing hugely involved, just the ability to tug on the string and affect momentum like pulling a rubber band. no idea if that would feel nice but I don't think it would be overwhelming to do while using the D-pad.

4 months ago

No worries at all! Cheers