What a joyful little game. I had a grin on my face throughout my entire playtime.

Pat the Alligator is convinced someone in his family is planning to kill him. This paranoid little guy asks you, a random stranger in a pinstripe suit, to investigate his family and find out what 'The Event' is that they are planning.

What follows is a delightfully silly adventure game filled with a variety of minigames set in the aesthetically fantastic Alligator New York City.

The animation is some of the best in the business, every frame exudes character. The music is also fabulous, though I do wish there was a bit more of it. The game is structured so that you really need to replay it a minimum of three times to get the full narrative, and while the soundtrack is good, the small selection can grate on repeated playthroughs (particularly the track that plays in most minigames).

This is on the surface a dumb little point-and-click with lots of silly, simple minigames. Dig a little deeper though, and you get a touching narrative, with smart, snappy writing that will constantly make you laugh and endure you to this family of silly alligators.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2023
