Pretty wild this game. Better get some friends though.

Still the best sim out there for mods.

I actually like it way more than Overwatch.

Story mode was surprisingly fun! Same cannot be said about multiplayer though. After season 1 nothing really happened and I kinda just fell off of it. I even got close to unlocking Orion, but I care no longer.

It's the best BR out there, but in its current state (season 18) it's pretty rough lol.

My first exposure to the F1 games after getting back into the sport in 2019. Super super fun.

First exposure to the Tekken games. God this shit was difficult as hell and really took me a while to get even the basic fundamentals down. Coming from 2D games my whole life 3D movement was such a wild thing to get my head around. It's the king of 3D and I'm very excited to see what they do with Tekken 8 :)

I have 400 hours logged in, uber fun for me in mid-2018-early 2019. Kinda just fell out of it though.

The first MMO I ever got into! I really had a lot of fun with this one. By the time I needed to start going around the different islands to increase my item levels for certain missions I basically fell off of it. But this game makes me way more excited for other MMO's in the near future. Thank you Lost Ark!

It's cursed for me, but god is it so much fun with friends. I've had many a party with friends for birthdays or holidays on here. Wish there was more dedicated community to it and development was a little faster... Overall super fun :)

Hope you have some friends to play with.

Umm this game is kinda infested with hackers at the moment that is quite literally a security risk for your PC lol... But custom zombies is fun...?

I don't remember much but it's a pretty good looter shooter.