This is the first FF game I've played and the main problem I had with this game wasn't the game itself, but the added content in this port. Of course I chose it for that and the beautiful pixel art, later I realised the problems. In this port, the game expects that you've already played one of the versions without the extra content.

When you defeat the main bosses, a cinematic runs that shows you what appears to be where you should go next, but turns out that's not the case, it shows you one of the new extra dungeons being unlocked. As I didn't know what they were, I headed there and the enemies were stronger but not by much. Because this game's difficulty is low, I finally had a challenge and it was fun, the problem was that when you get to a boss, you get killed in a turn or at best at two. Not only that, those extra dungeons that are locked by a statue of a boss are not the only extra dungeons, there're more that you can easily get into without knowing until you get to their bosses and that's when you realise what happened.

When I was heading to the last boss an NPC appeared and ran away, thinking this is part of the game I followed him and after going through frustrating puzzles I realised for a THIRD time this is bonus content and actually the hardest which, like the other ones, it's waaay higher level. At the end I loaded a previous save file and got to the last boss, the last fight was long and underwhelming. I believe I never died, or maybe once or twice at most, except when I casually entered the high level extra dungeons.

If you want to play FF1 for the first time, I'd recommend playing the PS1 port or a similar one that doesn't have that added content. I really preferred playing the SNES port of DQ1 with a fan translation patch, it was a lovely game.