Log Status






Time Played

45h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 1, 2017

Platforms Played


Critical: 7/10
A memorable game from the Flash era. Taking off the nostalgia glasses, the game is unremarkable, from its dated artstyle to its reference-heavy humor. But still charming nonetheless.

Personal: 8/10
Especially when a majority of web games and content on Newgrounds were short bursts of fun, this game stood out to the young child who practically thought he was playing something he shouldn't be playing for free.

Playing a parody game without knowing the original source probably made many of its references and specific jokes useless, though EBF3 is still enjoyable nonetheless.

Though playing it in 2017, I do acknowledge the limited gameplay experience due to Flash, along with dated art. Even the music has aged poorly to my ears, being somewhat amateur and simplistic (though by no means, horrible).

This is perhaps one of the best showings of the Flash era, but playing this game now is reserved for those who simply want a nostalgia trip.