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Comparing this game to Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal is a fucking crime. as a whole the game is bad LMAO, Persona 3 Reload which is a mid persona remake to be honest is way better.

The fact that some scenes use the same ost from other events/part of the game is so lazy, when Nanako in the hospital rather than playing a new sad ost, it just plays an ost that was played before... I laughed so hard when I heard the ost in that fucking scene, a scene that was supposed to be heartbreaking turned into pure comedy LOL.

Game's 50% JRPG and 50%Life Sim... as a whole it's not a bad thing, but...The Social links fucking sucks. There are several Social Links where they're just there to fucking mess with you and make you want to punch them in the face, and don't make me forget how dumb they are. It's so depressing how this game fails to even do such simple things.

The UI is just P3's UI but yellow... I played this shit on hard and had to just pray on the fucking RNG system this game have, and hopefully that all my teammates die excpet for me so I can continue the fucking fight. No matter how strategic you are or how many times you fucking guard yourself, they'll just nuke you and die...

Let's not forget how to get info on Rise, so you can give them to the dumb photographer... Spoiler alert you'll probably spend 1 whole fucking hour searching for that one fan of her... the game is dogshit by all meaning.

[Golden part]
They added Marrie to the game just like how they added Sumi on Persona 5 Royal...But the difference between those two expansions that in Royal you are forced to spend some time with Sumi, but in Golden oh boy you they don't force you to fucking talk to her or anything, you just have to do it yourself ffs. She doesn't appear in any of the fillers in the game (Beach filler and other events) not in any of them, and the characters just get sad and feel pity for her even thought they don't fucking know/spend any time with her...


Adachi is a funny villain, his dungeon is the best in the whole game, I like him and his reason. I love that he was referenced in Persona 5 too, but... He's a dumb fucking villain at the same time LOL.

I loved that they focused about the comedy in this game more than being serious, and it actually works good. Even though they go to the beach and other events while trying to investigate the case... Meh I still see it a positive note for the game rather than it being all serious.

The main crew are nice and love them, especially Yosuke and Kanji they are the best buds. and fuck Rise dumb ahh whore.

Some Social links like Dojima's Nanakos are very good and fun to level them up and spend time with them...

The game was obviously rushed... and sadly it isn't in my top 5 of Shin Megami Tensei games... Maybe if it had a prober remake it can be good? But better than Persona 5 Royal? hell no. Right now Persona 5 Royal is the only best game to be honest, comparing everything from Royal to 3Reload or 4Golden pales alot, yes 3's remake is decent but still has some of the issues from the original game like the story and other stuff like dumb characters...