never liked fps games, only play when my brothers ask me to


Definitely Astro bot lite, but you can tell the devs had passion for what they were making. I do wish there were more than two guns for your actual controllers, and that the mudpups were hidden in less in-plain-sight areas.

7.2/10 i will always appreciate platformers

Some levels seem a little too short, but man I missed 2D mario


Max power every hole or nothing


Man I wish I liked it more

Grappling hooks are the best part of the game, although I wish they weren’t so sensitive to movement, because sometimes I try to do a full swing arc and just blast straight up. I know swinging isn’t practical but it’s more fun than zipping.

Upgrading sucks…why did they make it so complicated. It’s not difficult just tedious.

I have not gotten past stage 10 yet because the boss is not fun and tedious once again. I’m probably doing something wrong, but getting to this guy just to keep dying the same way because it has so much health is insane. The normal stages are fine, the laser slicey arms are more fun than the guns.

I know it’s a rougelike, but the repetitiveness is a major issue, the environments repeat a lot, it truly feels like I’m doing the same thing over and over but I lose determination every new run.

It’s genuinely really fun when all of the weapon mechanics work correctly during the chaos, but the small annoyances added up and kinda ruined it for me.

Will attempt to revisit at some point later, cause it’s not a bad game, just a little disappointing for what came off as Doom x Spider-Man.


So are the kids actually adopted or are they really half octopus i need an answer I’ve been wondering for 10 years now


Had some really weird audio glitches towards the end, but haptics were really nice in this one. Crossbow arm is always cool.


Never even got to the part with 2099 🥲

Something about this game specifically feels better when comparing it to other spider-man type games like Superfly, Demigod or Resist. Something just clicks despite the fact that it’s still very far from being a full game. I think its because the city actually feels somewhat alive.

The swinging feels really good under the right settings and isn’t too unrealistic. The combat unfortunately prioritizes guns over hand-to-hand but at least punching is still an option.

The stealth missions are awesome, probably the best part of the game so far. It definitely took inspiration from the insomniac games.

Only things I need are more traversal mechanics, more hand to hand combat, or more gadgets. Less guns…

The game has a lot of updates yet to come, so I’m very curious to see how it improves, but with time this can be the best spider-man sim yet….because sony won’t make an official one for psvr2

7.3/10 (as of right now)

Swinging is super fast, very fun to fly through although the turning controls are not good at all, I don’t understand why they made it head or wrist based. It should naturally turn based off of where your line goes, with regular right stick turning. Kinda made me nauseous which is rare since I consider myself a VR veteran.

Story is short and fine for $20, but way too much MCU humor for me. Weirdly enough the ripoff Screwball guy was my favorite character.

7.3/10 felt held back by quest


I like platformers, also the grapple hook ability is so good for speedrunning levels


Had some cool ideas and good graphics but it was pretty forgettable, underwhelming final mission.


Extremely good swinging movement and really made me FEEL like a comrade
