I dunno why i got this, I think I saw a commercial one time and my 6 year old brain loved it

I was too poor to buy more figures and levels

In retrosepct I thought it was a cool concept

If I could go back in time I'd tell my younger self to stop buying cheap licensed beat-em-ups

I'm embarassed to say I owned this over smash brawl

If i could fix my wii u gamepad I would immediately finish the metroid and zelda games, the nostalgia is insane


No reason to go back because of Ultimate but this really was the definitive smash


I remember when I thought this was an official nintendo game
also seeing ni hao kai lan in anything is really surreal

Didn't get past the third level when I was 8; gave up

Played it a lot as a kid, just realized its garbage


Dont play the switch version


Any game with grappling and/or a wingsuit has me hooked immediately


Story is probably trash, I dunno because I only went around hacking traffic lights and beating people up

I remember the ice skating game being impossible