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The best version of GTA.

It has flaws, the combat is iffy, driving is divisive (I personally prefer it to V's), the story might try a bit too hard and the missions lack variety. However, the world here is the best Rockstar ever created for this series, it feels like a proper sandbox.

The physics here is what shines the most, getting into fist fights, running people over, crashing a car, all immensely fun. I love the soft-body destruction of the vehicles.

The story tries so hard to be gritty, it wears its inspirations on its sleeves and it is all the better for it.

The online experience had no bullshit either. Load up, here is the exact same world as single player, here have some extra weapons thrown in and unique vehicles. Nothing was locked behind a paywall and it was fun from start to finish.

Compared to what came before and after I would rather play this iteration.