One of the better Battlefield games, though for the last few years it's been ruined by the community.

The campaign is awful, like genuinely atrocious. Even the worst CoD campaigns outshine what's here, really floored me how bad this experience was back in the day. Everything looks good on the surface but if you pay even a sliver of attention the cracks show immediately. Your allies in game can't damage or be damaged by enemy fire, enemy vehicles randomly explode if you take too long, doors fail to open that should, etc. The story is taken way too seriously while having ridiculous characters.

More importantly, MP is fun but from the perspective of a review in 2024 it's a real mixed bag. On PC, most servers are community hosted.
You'll get kicked if you kill an admin.
You'll get kicked if you do too well.
You'll get kicked if you use anti-tank weapons.
You'll get kicked if you use a shotgun.
You'll get kicked if you vote for the wrong map.
You'll get kicked for taking a vehicle.

Server admins want you to take one of four approved weapons, no equipment and you better not complain if they spawn-trap you with helicopters. This isn't a rare occurrence, it's the rule not the exception. I've never played a multiplayer game with such power-tripping admins who actively make it worse.

It doesn't help that the server pool is so small these days. The game is definitely well past its prime but even at its best I think it was just an OK shooter. It's greatest strength was its atmosphere online, seeing jets fly overhead, hearing tanks fighting, running into collapsing buildings.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024
