I've always loved L4D ever since the first beta.
The fact this game is still alive is a testament to how fun it is and how allowing modding tools with quick integration can extend a game's life significantly.

If you've somehow never played this game I can't imagine it would seem all that fun today but as a product of its time it was best in class.

My only complaint about L4D2 is that I wish it borrowed more tonally from the first game, which was much darker and more horror focused. The deep south setting is wonderful here though.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024


3 days ago

You can't imagine this game being fun today? What? Its great. Younger folks dont play it because it's no longer popular and constantly being pushed, and the zombie craze died out in the mainstream. That's it. My younger siblings had a blast playing something as old as Unreal Tournament. They just never heard about it. It's all good with the game believe.

3 days ago

@MalditoMur96 That's reassuring to hear! I've got hundreds of hours so perhaps my perspective is skewed as someone who has played for so long, I figured the Source engine is getting very long in the tooth at this stage.