
I remember enjoying this game on launch with its barebones content, but every time I would take a break and go back I would hate it more and more. It's absolutely stuffed with microtransactions and DLC bundles, many of which are required for a full experience today. Yeah it's dead cheap nowadays but on reflection this was one of the worst offenders.

The guns don't feel nice to use, increasing the difficulty just makes enemies more bullet spongey. The gameplay boils down to press F on this item, wait 5 minutes, press F again, wait 5 more minutes, press a bunch of times, shoot enemies in between pressing F.

It's most comparable to L4D of all games but because it doesn't commit itself entirely to the horde shooter elements and suffers as a result. The UI gives me a headache and whether with friends or strangers it never feels like the game offers much variety in how you tackle missions.

Nowadays its install size is unjustifiably large too.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024
