I tried several times to get into The Division 2 but just can't.

Everything here is improved upon from the first game yet somehow it feels worse to play. After a lot of thought I have come to the conclusion that both this and its predecessor aren't particularly fun games, they have working mechanics and systems but the core gameplay is dull. The first game however has an extremely comfy setting, a world that felt lived in and real.

This version feels a lot more lifeless and dull. It looks good on the surface but fails to immerse or do anything visually stimulating.

It's a skinnerbox grind right the way through which would be fine if it camouflaged that to any degree but it doesn't. No interesting stories or characters. No crazy loot.

The scaling is really off here too. I was level 16 finding weapons that did a quarter of the damage of some guns I found around level 4. Weapon classes also don't matter a sniper can be fired with 100% accuracy from the hip, at which case it outclasses assault rifles and SMGs. I was forcing myself to use weaker weapons just for the sake of variety.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
