I've made an active effort to ignore this rebooted series based solely on my experience with this first game, as it was genuinely awful.

I tried this on Steam back in 2015, with an admittedly weak albeit above minimum spec AMD based PC (both CPU and GPU). The game ran terribly but in a way where it was clear there was something more up here than just my PC struggling.

After many hard crashes and trying different fixes it would run smoothly. My problem though came on the first mission where you have to jump out of a plane. My character would sink into the base of the plane and get stuck, unable to move. Or after jumping out I would fall through the map entirely.

I tried reinstalling with no success and shelved the game.
Since then, my PC has taken on several forms with different CPUs and GPUs and every single time I would try this game just out of curiosity. Every single time it would break in new ways, I could never progress past that first mission and I believe my copy was haunted.

Eventually I just stole a save file skipping that first mission online and actually got to play the game. Perhaps it is because the game made such a poor impression on me but I didn't actually enjoy my time with it when it finally worked. Online it was billed as a return to form for single player FPS games but I found it lacking, enemies barely react to getting shot, the guns lack weight, even on harder difficulties it felt too easy. Honestly (and I know some people may crucify me) it felt like the worst elements of a faster CoD mission, something like Whiskey Hotel in MW2 except with more enemies, no reloading and wider maps.

My experience is definitely not universal on this one but it sticks out in my head.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024


3 days ago

I have it on Epic Games, never had a problem. But a lot of people say they had issues with steam version on amd setup. Didn't you redeem it for free a while ago on Epic?

3 days ago

@CrappySkills Nah, I bought it on Steam not long after its release and I don't use EGS. I am surprised at the disparity between the two if the EGS version is actually better.