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Time Played

5h 32m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 21, 2023

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This game showed up on my radar about a year ago and initially I did write it off as another stupid mascot horror game riding the tread of stuff like Poppyโ€™s Playtime or if you really wanna get really esoteric 123 Slaughter Me Street. But a few weeks ago it reappeared and I looked into it more and I was in pure shock when I realized it was a survival horror game in the same vein as Resident Evil.
I donโ€™t think you understand this is burgeoning new ground for this shitty genre; because nine times out of ten the game is either a poorly made excuse of a game only made to sell crappy merchandise to dumb kids, or itโ€™s something with a neat idea but at its core is kinda lame and only attracts kids, content hungry youtubers, and weird adults (like me). So seeing a mascot horror game try to do something newish while trying to give the whole โ€œevil muppetsโ€ idea a new spin was neat to see.
So now that Iโ€™ve sat down and played through the whole game in one setting (youโ€™d be surprised how many times Iโ€™ve done this) what did I think of it? Itโ€™s good; not amazing or anything that will shake the world, hell even the survival horror elements are very basic even for a twenty year old genre. but for a survival horror game made for kids; oh I think this is an amazing game.

I think this game works really well as a baby's first survival horror game and I mean that in a good way. Mascot horror is a genre mostly populated by kids so having this game be their first encounter with serieโ€™s like RE or Dead Space well I only see this as a plus. One of the elements that really makes this feel like baby's first survival horror is the fact of the lack of enemy variety and how you only get two weapons the whole game. Itโ€™s not a very long game with my playthrough clocking in at about 5 hours and thatโ€™s with me taking my sweet ass time looking for every item and secret; so really theirs not a lot you need to manage besides ammo, health, and coins you need in order to save your game. I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™m just really good at the game but by the end I really didnโ€™t need to manage any of those groups because I was pretty much stacked on everything, so much so that in order to even make space mission related items I had to backtrack to a save room just to put away ammo so I could complete the puzzle. But like I said before I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m the target demo as a veteran of the genre; still though I can see how someone unfamiliar with the genre can have a really fun time playing this since all of the core fundamentals of the genre are there and it all controls really well. All the guns feel powerful ragdolling puppets when knocked down and the idea of the guns shooting out comically large letters instead of regular bullets is cute and fits the Jim Henson puppet theme pretty well. The map layout is pretty great to traverse and in my whole time of playing it never felt like a slog since every area of the studio intertwined so well with itself, it reminds me a lot of how the Spencer mansion was designed; It's honestly pretty impressive how fun it is. The puzzles on the other hand are honestly very easy and simple, and if you hear me say they're easy and not challenging at all then itโ€™s a problem; because Iโ€™m dumb as shit and canโ€™t even do basic math at times.

The one aspect I was not expecting to get out of this was the weird amount of heart put into character writing and story beats. I donโ€™t like beating a dead horse but with stuff like Garten of Banban or Andyโ€™s Apple Farm they can have interesting ideas in them (Not Garten of Banban though) but the execution can feel so fucking hollow and empty youโ€™d sometimes wonder what was even the point of it. With this I can honestly tell the group behind the game 100% cared about what they were writing and I just love seeing it. The small moments where the main character is comforting the puppets about their problems are kinda goofy but in a very charming way.
In one scene you lure this puppet whoโ€™s this big hungry cookie monster knock off into a movie theater by playing clips of old airing of the show she was on, and is so emotionally awestruck by the clips she starts to break into tears after facing the reality that the world around her doesn't want her show anymore and feels worthless. So the main character goes down to the theater and has a corny but sweet heart to heart with the cookie monster knock off about the magical feeling an old movie gave him when he was just a child, explain to her that even though her show might be gone the memories and joy she gave to kids though the show can never be taken away and that sheโ€™ll always have a place in the hearts of kids who loved the show. This scene comes right the fuck out of nowhere and is honestly so corny and saccharine it wraps around on itself and by the end I kinda find it really endearing and sweet, and somehow the voice actor playing the forty-something handyman sell all of the lines; I have no idea how he did it but it did. Itโ€™s like when you post steaming hot cringe but it came from such a sincere place you honestly canโ€™t hate it and start liking it, thatโ€™s how all the moments with the main puppets go and I really enjoyed them.

Iโ€™m glad there are devs out there making high quality โ€œhorrorโ€ games for kids in-between all of the lazy bullshit that get spewed out of Steam and Gamejolt. Hell Iโ€™d even say if you're looking for a basic yet fun survival shooter then I think youโ€™d also get a kick out of it. Just remember that itโ€™s not scary at all, I know horror is subjective but I was not scared a single bit during this game and for a game that has the horror tag on it itโ€™s kinda lame. Even FNAF, for as lame as itโ€™s become has titles in it that I think can be genuinely tense in the heat of the moment; here not so much since most of the time youโ€™ll be hearing the puppet spouting off inane ramblings just so you know where they are, and with all the areas being pretty well lit itโ€™s not really a scary environment. But like I said before this is primarily targeting a younger audience so Iโ€™m not really upset with it. So yeah, if you know someone with kids who likes horror stuff like this; send this game their way, we need more good stuff like this in the hands of kids and not trash like Hello Neighbor 2. (I still have no idea how something as bad as Hello Neighbor got a sequel but I will not stand for it)