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Time Played

1h 22m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 9, 2023

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Library Ownership


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Awwww good old 2016 youtube fodder content.

I wanted to go back at this game out of a curiosity to see if it still held any value as game rather than a short footnote in the history of shock indie game fodder for content hungry youtubers, and while I think the concept is genuinely interesting and a spooky concept, it’s bogged down by a very liner structure, not taking full use of it’s concept only scratching the surface of it’s own potential, and a very lame story that stretches its concept way too far past the realm of believability. (looks like I’ll be adding this game to the list of media where an interesting idea is ruined by the β€œoh it was a cult the whole time” trop.)
I know there's other versions of this game and I might try them out later to see if they ironed out the issues I have but that’s for another day, as for Sara is Missing; it’s a neat concept game.

(maybe the Doctor Who version will be better………..what you think I’m joking no theres a version of this game but it’s set in the Doctor Who universe, I don’t know if it’s good or bad I just think it’s really interesting that some obscure indie devs were able to work on an officially licensed Doctor Who game just because their demo concept game got popular. That’s like the shit dreams are made of.)