After being told that Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne was the bees knees for years and no modern platform to play it on, this HD Remaster was just the thing I needed.

In terms of playing the game on a modern platform. As a HD Remaster its quite… barebones. I think that’s my biggest complaint about the game. I know Atlus isn’t the biggest on budgets, but when you see several rereleases appearing the last few years, this game could have benefitted more of QOL improvements.

Its a PS2 RPG spruced up, that’s all. On the technical side and presentation, but as a game to play its been fascinating. While it has some niggles (think high encounter rate) the gameplay is ace. Battles are fun and with the added Magatama’s it might give you an edge.

Storywise its minimalistic, but the message comes across. A destroyed Tokyo, factions taking up arms and destroy one another; its good stuff and fun to play.

I do think the game is not for everyone , especially being a but old, but if you have an open mind this game will surprise. Hee-ho!

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2021
