- Super fun
- Not as dark as everyone says
- Co op was good

- Unplayable
- Super hard
- Shit story

- Amazing and funny campaign
- Boring co op

- Lesser version of its sequels
- Exkessively hard sometimes (Shao Kahn)
- A bit klunky
- The randomizer minigame was fun

- Somewhat fun gameplay
- meh story
- weird ending
- made my head hurt
- cool areas
- forgettable

- Amazing story
- Makes up for its flaws (too much horse riding and game's length)
- I got attached to Arthur
- The perfect open world

- Game Duration Got to Me
- Uninteresting Story
- Too Many Boring Dungeons
- Fun Bosses
- Interesting Mix of Unoriginal Ideas

Mesmerizing open world with solid gameplay hidden behind a super boring story with robot characters (that includes you Aloy!).

- Fun and tight experience
- Story relies too much on caves
- Great enemy ai and great boss
- Save system encourages tense moments


Just felt like a poor selling ps3 game. It really annoys me way more that Volition kept saying they are trying to make the "Best" Saints row game. They hid the story long enough behind a cool open world but eventually the truth comes out. They didn't spend any money on the licensed music, the combat is rough with a system not well thought out, the side missions are oddly hard to access, and the writing of the story might be the worst I've ever had to sit through in my gaming history. And with all that, I still had a good time. Saints row has always had this charm that it cares more about the fun than the gameplay. Enemies swarming at you while you soak in millions of bullets with no cover, crazy driving, and stupid side missions. It's enough to make me enjoy what I played, but I will admit, I could not make it to the secret love shack ending. Its still just Saints Row at its worse, either being a downgrade of classic Saints Row mechanics or downright fumbling them. I hate Saints Row 4 more than most, even more than this game, but 4 is better than this, 4 at least was made with whatever care Volition had left. And now with Idolninjas long time project backstabbed by Voltion, there is nothing more depressing than putting any more money into this ugly studio's products. I know the developers didn't have a lot of say in the creative process, but they still pushed through to make a product no one would buy and slapped a Saints Row title on it to make some money for the first weeks before the news gets out everywhere. Well Volition, you got your final slap in the face, gut punch, takedown to any Saints Row fans left before you disappear under Gearbox's name. Oh who cares anymore? Lets just have a money fight. Money fight!