2 reviews liked by Saltmaster

Played this one years ago and I recall I had so much fun playing it that I actually got a headache, not realizing the many hours that had already passed lol. (Yeah this is a long ass game) The art style might not be for everyone but I personally really liked it especially the love interests hehe. The conversations amongst characters are also quite entertaining, full of humor and wit. The MC (Sadie) might come off sometimes tho as sorta a Mary Sue but she's quite lovable. The major thing with this game that could frustrate players tho is its stats system as it's kinda confusing and unbalanced? You might struggle with some skillcheck events even on easy difficulty. It's quite a grindy game where you also had to choose what to do for every day in a year, in the morning, afternoon and evening lolz. I still love the game tho, I had tons of fun despite all the frustrations and I came to love archaeology.