More ambition, on all fronts. That doesn’t mean better - I really liked the more loadout style weapons system (loved Alex and Ash for example, as well as playing as the guy who didn’t like to kill and discharged all guns) but I don’t think it worked as well as the simple, addictive mask collecting in HLM1. As others have said, some levels are too big and open ended, leading to deaths from off-screen.

And to be fair, I wasn’t paying that much attention to the dialogue, but I really didn’t know what the hell was happening in the story. I roughly knew the role of each character but the jumping between time periods and everything, I couldn’t keep track. Despite that it felt like an evolution of the first game with a lot of love put into it.

Oh and I thought the soundtrack was a big step up as well, just better in general.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
