Glad to say that I thought the game was fantastic overall, it was way better than what I'd heard about it beforehand. loved all the characters, the story, the world, the music, and the combat was super fun.

If I had to criticize one thing about the game, it would be how little there was to do outside of fighting, because while I did really enjoy the games combat system for the most part, it got a bit exhausting at times. Having some towns or something to give the player a bit of a break would've been nice. But anyway, I'd still say the game has far more positives than negatives.

I'd probably have to say Lightning, Hope, and Vanille were my favorite characters out of the party, but I loved all six of them. Had some pretty great supporting characters too.

The story itself was fantastic as well, I never had much of a problem understanding the different terms after the first 1 or 2 chapters, and I never had to look at the datalog at all after a few more, so I don't really get that criticism of the game. I loved the character moments in this game, scenes like Lightning and Hope at Palumpolum, her apology to Snow, Sazh and Vanille at Nautilus, Hope and his dad, and the ending was great.

I thought the soundtrack was incredible, not quite the best in the series, but it had one of the best battle themes and my favorite version of the chocobo theme. I loved the "Lightning's theme" leitmotif as well. There were some more songs but I dont remember them all at the moment.

When I was younger I was a bit of a purist when it came to this series, never really had any interest in anything much later than FF7, but eventually I started to realize how stupid of a mindset that was, and started trying more of them, FF9 even became my favorite game of all time. I think beating and enjoying FF13's really opened my eyes to how closeminded it was to completely disregard the newer games simply because of a change in gameplay or artstyle. Not to say that I don't think people had any valid reasons for disliking 13, its far from perfect, but it seems like a lot of people people, like myself, were never even willing to give the game a chance in the first place. I'm glad I decided to try the game out, and I'm looking forward to trying the rest of the series eventually.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
