2 Reviews liked by SammyZ

this really was dropped on me out of nowhere, i wasn't prepared for everything this has to offer. will eagerly follow

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Ultimately, I am incredibly conflicted on whether or not to regard this game's quality critically or emotionally, because I have not yet as of writing this review experienced, perhaps, 90% of it. 95% of it. I have not beaten 1-4, the big turtle who is bowser keeps killing me. But I had a lot of fun getting there and dying over and over again even though I never jumped past him or underneath him because he kept stomping me or shooting me with fireballs or colliding with me with the blank black squares next to his nose that are not his nose or his head but are instead empty space but somehow still count as hitting my body, killing me instantly, because I got hit by the fire bars because my reaction speed is slow and I am unable to account for my momentum as I fly into them without being able to change course and save my life. I don't think I've even made it into 1-4 with a mushroom (being tall mario? big mario?), and I definitely have never managed to hit both the question mark block and acquire the mushroom inside, as it keeps falling out of it into the lava pit. That platform is 3 blocks wide. And it has a fire bar. I cannot cope with that platform very well. I think the speed mario moves at is exhilarating but also excruciating and infuriating and sort of overwhelming, because I cannot see the world ahead of me as he bolts ahead of my intents, sliding inevitably into a koopa probably, or into my reaction to a koopa which then causes me to jump backwards into a bottomless pit or forwards into a piranha plant. A piranha plant? A flyeating bug? A toothy vine. I heard the game has a water level where mario can jump multiple times. I have never seen it. I have played this game 3 times in my life, once as an 8 year old, once as a 12 year old, and once as a 20 year old. I am terrible at this game to the same degree at all ages, because I am autistically overstimulated by the limited sound channels and the rising sound effects that scare me. I feel like a fucking cave man.