Sonic Playthrough:

This game is a pretty good entry into the 2d Sonic lineup. The controls worked great, and the bosses were a welcome challenge after Act 2. My favorite boss was probably the one in the Ice Moutain zone, as it provided a double challenge of jumping on the spikes while not getting hurt AND maintaining your air.

Then the level design went to shit. Well, Neo Green Hill through Ice Moutain zone was great for a mix of platforming and speed sections, give or take a few bullshit enemy placements. But Angel Island and Egg Rocket Zone can kiss my ass. It's the typical level design to expect from Dimps, so if you played Sonic Rush, you know what I am talking about. There are tons of do-or-die tight platforming, bottomless pits with no warning, and speed boosters that trick you into thinking you're in a speed section when suddenly an enemy or bed of spikes pops out. So yeah, awful shit.

I will review more of the game after I finish a playthrough with each character, but I wanted to get my main point about the level design out of the way. It's really bad, you guys.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
