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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 2, 2023

First played

March 30, 2023

Platforms Played


I reeeeeaally wanted to like this game, especially after being so disappointed by RE3R. I'd heard so many good things about this one from other classic RE fans - how Nemesis is much more of an omnipresent threat that makes this game scary.

In truth, I don't understand why people like Nemesis in this game. Every encounter I had with him had me rolling my eyes and quickly darting through doors to avoid taking massive amounts of damage. He only pushed me to move through the game faster and explore less, which is a shame because I love to take in the artistry of the original trilogy's pre-rendered backgrounds. He didn't scare me, nor was he fun to fight - just a big damage sponge that deals out unreasonable amounts of damage. In my opinion, the Nemesis encounter after the substation in RE3R was the most effective usage of this character - fast, unpredictable, but not too difficult to take down momentarily. A shame, though, since that is the only time in RE3R he's utilized like that. If your idea of fun is memorizing this clunky boss' attack patterns to perfectly dodge and take him down, then more power to you I suppose. It never felt worth it to me.

Mr. X > Nemesis. No contest.

I also feel as if there is a lack of cohesive vision to this game that the other two titles in the trilogy have. Each location and enemy in RE3 feels so random - disorganized streets, a hospital, a park, an underwhelming final laboratory. Hordes of zombies, flaming dogs, gamma hunters, daemos, and a... giant worm? It feels like a mish mash of random ideas that never quite come together. The sheer amount of enemies in this game also reduces the importance of each encounter for me. Never once did I feel threated by an enemy (or group of enemies, for that matter) because I always had 100+ rounds to mow through them all and several healing items to boot. The increase in the number of enemy types, frequency of encounters overall, and the plentiful amount of resources makes this game feel like a very mediocre action game instead of a methodical survival horror. Perhaps Nemesis is supposed to supplement this lack of intimidating enemies, but as I've already expressed - he felt like more of an annoyance and chore than anything else.

Don't know if I'll ever come back to this one. I didn't enjoy anything about it beyond the classic camera angles and backgrounds. I will always love the classic formula and controls, but there is a real lack of importance and weight behind the decisions you make in this one compared to its predecessors. For me, this is easily the worst of the original trilogy.