410 Reviews liked by SanjayRamesh

Fucking masterpiece.
One of those games you have to play before you die if you have any respect for the hobby at all.

Truly a game of our times, this western instantly became one of the most positively heralded games ever. After finally playing it for the first time, 13 years after its release, I can confirm that this game is truly one of the greatest ever created. From gameplay to storytelling, very few parts of this game seem under-developed. All-in-all, an absolutely entertaining experience truly cherished and forever remembered.

"We can't always fight nature. We can't fight change, we can't fight gravity, we can't fight nothin'. My whole life, all I ever did was fight..."

For a developer that focuses predominately on consoles, Rockstar is bafflingly terrible at designing their games around a controller.

Red Dead Redemption is fantastic, that can't be denied, but I'm finding it hard to expand on that when every point of praise I can think of was done exceptionally better in the sequel.

At the time this game was a masterpiece, but now it feels like a beta test for RDR2, and given that RDR2 is a prequel I'd find it hard to recommend anyone play this one first today.

My favorite Rockstar game. John Marston was such a great character and over time learning why he was hunting down his former gang really made you want to help him. The side characters were all interesting and funny, willing to help and impede Marston. The gameplay was pretty easy with the lock on and shoot but traveling across the wild west with its interesting characters, story and side quest had me replaying multiple times.

Finally played this one after seeing so many people talk about it over the past decade (well, maybe not recently but whatever). Didn't end up liking this one as much as the second. I think it mostly comes from the overall quality of the story and characters of the second in comparison to this one. Also, idk if it gives the villains as much as I wanted coming off of the second game. Which I realize is unfair but still.

This game is a true masterpiece of its time. The gameplay is incredibly fun, and the story, although it weakens after a certain point, is very well executed, and the ending truly leaves you devastated.

great shooting, great characters, great story. i also love a good cowboy setting so this is all one perfect package.

maybe the remake was the friends we made along the way

its a western masterpiece, go play it

my mom watched me play the portion of the game with the racist anthropologist and we were both upset that you could not throw him to dutch's gang when he asked us to

The only con of this game is being exclusive to previous generation

This is one the best written and voice-acted games I've ever played. John's lines feel interesting and authentic, and the cast that he banters with throughout the story are varied and colorful. This kept me coming back despite the mission design and mechanics (ride here, shoot stuff) getting a bit dull near the end.