Man I really loved the gameplay, it felt fresh and absolutely fun. Huge improvements when it comes to gunplay and gameplay mechanics over Remedy's previous release Quantum Break. Oddly enough the gameplay was very reminiscent of all the superhero powers you had in Saints Row 4 but way better. Also game has some of the best setpieces, I was rendered speechless during the whole Ashtray Maze segment, easily the best part of the game. Side missions had better boss varieties and generously rewarded skill points. I liked the navigation in the game, having to look at sign boards instead of the game pointing it out to you, but that still didnt stop me from abusing the control points to fast travel between locations. also its kinda frustrating how you end up next to the nearest control point instead of a standard checkpoint system resuming close by to where u died. Its frustrating because of the fact that you have to travel long distances usually from the control point to the mission location. Visually the game was gorgeous to look at, ray tracing feature was fine but its like it wouldnt have bothered me if I had kept it on off with SSAO. And since I had RT on, I did experience frame drops in certain locations sometimes touching as low as a 24 fps avg, but for the most part the game ran smooth with 60-70 fps even at parts when the game couldnt have looked more gorgeous. But I did have this issue of blurry textures, no matter what setting texture filtering was set to, luckily could fix that issue owing to a youtube video.
Again I couldnt stress enough about how fun the gameplay was, how exciting it was to fight, die and learn, they really addressed and improved on Quantum Break's disappointing gameplay. But at the same time I couldnt care enough to pay attention to the story, like QB Remedy did a good job here as well when it comes to presenting the lore in the form of video, documents and other collectibles, but the story just did not feel good to me. The dialogues, inner monologues of Jesse needed better writing as well. And the ending was a bit anti climatic as well, having found the game so fun for its gameplay, I could also not wait for the game to be done, thats how underwhelming the latter part of the game is. But thats not to say they were lethargic to tell a good story, it did have potential, it just feels like it lacked proper presentation. I hope the Story next time around with the sequel is good and now onto the DLCs and Alan Wake. Remedy's got a S tier catalogue with games like Control, Quantum Break and Max Payne 3. I feel like after playing these 2 games, Remedy's got to be the best developers when it comes to Sci-fi games. After watching that Tenet esque side mission where Jesse fights an alternate version of herself, I would literally cream if Christopher Nolan collaborates with Remedy to make a Sci-fi game.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2023
