This is a good game, but a damn frustrating one. The game asks a lot of you execution wise. You often know the answer to a platforming challenge, its just pretty precise so you'll die a fair amount. Its annoying since it just kind of feels hard just to be hard. The weapons are all pretty great. Once I got the laser trident, I pretty much never used the normal buster since its just a straight up upgrade in almost every situation. Mega Man games before this had a charge buster and slide, which aren't in this one for whatever reason. They compensated for the charge shot by having normal buster shots be really strong and move really fast, though not having the slide is just odd since it doesn't really take away from anything. Bosses are fun, though I don't think they're very interesting compared to bosses in 7, 8, and Bass. The game likes to call back to older mega man's but also doesn't really take the great parts of all of them that it could've. The music is great. The levels are fun, if a bit frustrating with the precision required for some parts. The Wily levels are just kind of exhausting since they're so long and you can't save between them. The final boss is super long and right after a boss rush, so that's also a lot. The music is quite incredible. Mega Man feels very fast and powerful. My main problem is that it feels like its hard for the sake of it and not really anything else. Otherwise, great game, but its very exhausting for me to play.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
