Very ahead of it's time, with a very fair difficulty curve, always leaving you wanting a bigger challenge.

It's a fact I didn't start this franchise with the right game (Ys Chronicles for the DS) and while I can see why some fans are nostalgic about the "bumping" combat, the one here feels smooth as hell. My only complaint is the lazy port to PC, bassically straight from the PSP with a messed up controller input. Even with that the game is quite fun and easy to get addicted to.

Damn tasty bananomachines son,,,,

I still don't get it, but I enjoy it...

Far more accessible from what you might be thinking. An rpg where the makers sit down and went 100% real: "grinding sure sucks, here's an rpg with none of that BS". Story is as simple as it gets but I welcome that instead of the walls of text we get in jrpgs these days.

Okami for people with crippling anxiety...

Boomer First Person Shooters, 2.5 retro jrpgs, ps1 retro survival horror. Developers and consumers are all chasing that mythical high we think gaming reached 25-30 years ago. Before loot boxes, dumb politics and scripted gameplay. Huntdown offers a slice of that retro heaven with a modern approach. No gimmicks, no bs, just a true hardcore run n shoot package. It hits the mark and then some more...

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey...

All right time to do some badass mean yakuza stuff!

gives plushies from the arcade to a little girl

sends postcards to radio station

dance all night long at the disco

help teaching those yanki bad boys to behave real tough

It's yakuzing time...

Maybe I'm playing the wrong Tales games? I keep finding the combat mind numbingly tedious, where all you have to do is keep mashing the attack button senseless. The characters could not be more one dimensional and the overall world just hardly interesting. The very fabric of this game screams "generic anime jrpg". Like with Symphonia I have little to no motivation to keep going...

A nice mix of old school aesthetics and gameplay with modern sensibilities. Not too hard but neither too easy, meele combos are the my jam in shmups. I highly recommend this one...

I still have no idea if I'm playing this correctly or not. I'm going for the japanese version right now and it's never 100% clear what can and can't harm you. Charming for sure, a kusoge that is worth a shot. The american version is crazy expensive, so this is a perfect option for those who don't want to give money to ebay scalpels that horde all the copies of the game.

I'm sure there are videos of people doing one life no damage runs, but this is by far the most brutal Metal Slug. Game looks wonderful, but god damn is it a pain to go through even with unlimited continues.