4 reviews liked by SansCape

The perfect Metroidvania. Some of the Metroids come close but nothing has the same elegance and sheer perfection in it's art style, Level design, Weapons, Abilities, Movement and Music as symphony does. The level design easily complements the first time player preventing them from getting completely lost but instead encouraging them to explore with multiple pathways with stronger equipment if you chose to go that route. The weapons are also really nice in variety each of them having their own unique feel and reason to use them, the Crissaegrim, RAD. The shield rod, RAD. The Alucard sword and its weird teleport thingy, RAD. The music is just legendary and Michiru Yamane definetley tapped into no black magic voodoo vince ass arts to get the perfect balance between funky fresh tunes and atmospheric jams which all fit in where they've been placed in the game. I've never laid my grubby mitts upon a game that controls as buttery smooth as sotn does, Not even Super Mario Sunshine can compare to how nice and flowing Alucard can be especially with the gorgeous 32 bit spritework that goes along with it. All this not to mention the fact that this has to be one of if not the most replayable game I have ever had the pleasure of playing especially with the trick to keep all of Alucard's gear at the start of the game. If you haven't already you NEED to play this game NOW, It really is worth it's salt.

hello? based department?

yeah this game fucks, ive only gotten through all of X's route thus far but goddamn despite the story being corny(but albeit enjoyable from the little there was) the gameplay is on another level, movement has never felt more fluid and genuinely i feel that the level design complements this beautifully.

the bosses are also great and zero is a playable character. Enough said.

Action games will literally never be this good ever again