This is a pretty mediocre remaster that adds little besides a new photo mode. Everything that looked good in the PS3 original still looks great, while some of the character models could've used an overhaul. I also encountered two minor graphical errors during my playthrough, although those might be due to the PS5 backwards compatibility mode.

Luckily, God of War 3 is still as much fun as it was on the PS3. Combat has a wonderful flow, the game is lengthy but without any filler content, and there's just so much variety here. The previous games left a surprising amount of gods and titans alive for Kratos to battle, which he does in a series of incredible set pieces, wielding a ton of different weapons.

However, what keeps me from fully recommending this game is the way it treats its female characters. The God of War games were always edgy, but to a point where it's so stupid you can't help but laugh. Ripping off a god's head to use as a flashlight is metal as fuck, and Kratos interrupting his quest for vengeance to sleep with Aphrodite has to be one of the dumbest QTEs ever.

Unfortunately, God of War 3 doesn't seem to know the word restraint. Roughly in the middle of the game, Kratos encounters a half naked and chained up woman. The game heavily implies that the woman has been abused and most likely raped by her former lover Poseidon. Kratos grabs the woman, shoves and throws her through half the level all while she screams for mercy, and ultimately ends up throwing her into a mechanism, crushing her to death - all of this to open a door btw. I don't mind Kratos being an edgelord, but the scene is never reflected upon and seems insanely cruel. I don't even want to imagine how female devs working at the studio felt when their superiors came up with this scene.

All in all God of War 3 is still fantastic game - just be aware what you're getting in terms of some of its more problematic content...

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
