Air Zonk 1992

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I fell in love with this silly ass shoot ‘em up at a Toys R Us that I used to visit after school. They had a TG-16 hooked up and playing a few different games. My favorites were Air Zonk, Alien Crush and Devil Crush. The last two are pinball games, and I will get around to giving them reviews too.
Now, Air Zonk is made by Hudson soft, who made the Bonk games, so Zonk looks like Bonk with Ray Charles shades on. But he’s also a robot.
Ok, so I don’t know the story, exactly. I just played the game last week, but I never pay attention to the story.
Basically each level you choose a partner to join you. They help you out kind of like Options from Gradius or Lifeforce. But you get a certain power up and Air Zone no and his buddy combine into a new form that unleashes hell all across the bad guy army.
It’s satisfying getting to the boss and grabbing this random power up.
The music is also really good.
This is a fun game. If you get the chance and you like shoot ‘em ups, definitely give it a whirl.