Sonic Rivals 2 is a game I have a lot of nostalgia for, but objectively it’s just an expanded version of Rivals 1 with more content and overall more variety.

The games story is very simple, but here you can experience 4 stories from 8 different characters perspectives if you want! This game could really have done with a “Last Story” segment to make this worth it because despite a single run not taking too long, 8 playthroughs is a lot to ask just to say you’ve beaten this. Realistically single player is probably all you’re getting out of this, as the likelihood of playing multiplayer on this PSP game in 2024 is pretty slim.

Honestly the level design is actually pretty good. Better than R1 for sure, much more vibrant backgrounds and more engaging design. There’s also a few modes to break up the racing, nothing amazing but it breaks up the gameplay well enough.

I think the bosses are a step up, but that’s not saying much, you fight each of them 8 times so they get stale.

I’ll give them a plus one for fully voicing all the dialogue , and the game looks better on the whole. The soundtrack is pretty great, especially the main theme “Race to Win”, this feels right out of the adventure era and I love it.

Rivals 2 isn’t a bad game, it’s sort of just there, not one to go out of your way for, but not one to avoid either.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024
