As a first attempt of a 3D Sonic game, SA1 fires on all cylinders to try and cover pretty much every basis possible, with mixed results of course but I think on the whole, this is a game with a lot of heart.

The story attempts to merge 6 narratives into 1 cohesive story, though the significance massive depends on the character in question. The story as a whole is entertaining but the acting is pretty bad and the presentation is awful.

The gameplay is split into 6 styles, Sonic is the most straightforward, as you speed and explore 10 stages which are all designed absolutely brilliantly. Some stages are better than others but Adventure delivers on spectacle, high speed, exploration and style almost perfectly on their first go, combined with some of the tightest control in a Sonic game to date, and that goes for all the characters.

Tails doesn’t get the same level of depth as he is constantly racing an opponent, but his gameplay is super fun despite how underdeveloped it is. Knuckles’ gameplay involved hunting for 3 emerald pieces in sandbox style levels, and this is great, he’s super acrobatic and gliding around levels to find emeralds is a lot of fun.

Amy only gets 3 stages and she is capeable of some pretty cool stunts, but she is much slower than the others, and her level design doesn’t really encourage speed much, instead opting for a take on Mr X from Resident Evil, as she constantly is chased by Eggmans robot Zero. It’s okay, but nothing special.

Big is a fishing game. I think that speaks for itself. His story can be over in about 20 minutes if you just keep going but… why.

Gamma has shooter sections with a timer, which you can extend by blowing up as much as possible. It’s fun, fast paced action that is pretty underdeveloped for sure, but I always have fun in Gammas stages.

Bosses are overall pretty good, though a couple of them are fought multiple times due to the games structure. I love fight against the Egg Walker with Tails due to its huge size, Sonics fight with the Egg Viper is a great time, and Amy clobbering Zero will always be satisfying. The final Super Sonic boss against Perfect Chaos is also amazing, supplemented by the main theme “Open your Heart”.

The game also has hub area between stages, and I find this very charming. You can still zoom about, there’s plenty of people to talk to with some interesting side stories to share, and you can even find upgrades for characters here rewarding exploration, something SA1 does a lot.

This game can be messy. Some sections are awkward, some gameplay styles are clearly more polished than others. There’s sub stages you have to play multiple times to beat the game, an awkward camera that constantly seems to be fighting with you and a hell of a lot of experimentation. But on the whole I think all together, it makes for a really hearty game that tries to look out for all players, and in a weird way, succeeds.

Sonic Adventure is far from perfect, but I love it anyway.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2024
