Let's start with the obvious, the game is gorgeous, the envirmoments are breathtaking and the CG cutscenes are absolutely top notch, Can't say much for the soundtrack though, not much is memorable and the one song I can remember is actually annoying.

This is an action adventure game with an emphasis on combat, and has the same spirit as a lot of games from the PS2 era - don't get me wrong that's not a bad thing. Everything is simple but the game is built around that, leading to an experience that does what it wants to do with very little fluff.

The bosses are the most standout aspect, especially the final one which was awesome. They are kinetic as hell and if you die (get this) you respawn outside the boss arena instead of the whole level! Kena 1 - Dark souls 0.

The exploration and platforming are simple, but somewhat rewarding. This is down to the fact almost all rewards are related to customising the rots. If this does nothing for you the your out of luck really, and that was the case for me.

The Story is simple but nice, its got some heartwarming moments, but it feels a little incomplete? I feel like I know very little about Kena by the end, not helped by how surprisingly short the game way.

I still had fun, and its cheaper than most out there, so I recommend it - 7/10

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2021
