Beating Dark souls, a badge added to the collection, achievement added to the CV.

I really didn't think much of this game, for something so legendary... yeah it's really not that enjoyable. I don't like the levels, I don't like the bosses, I don't like the combat and I don't like the story (because it explains nothing)

It's nice that it runs at 60fps and graphically the remaster holds up really well. The aesthetics are really nice and the models are on point.

But yeah the combat is as you'd expect, brilliant variety in weapons and combat styles, but I don't find it very kinetic, back stabs don't work when they should, but at least parrying seems to be fairly responsive here which was nice.

Nothing really made me feel anything though, very little satisfaction was granted throughout, mostly because the game rips progress away form you with horrible enemies and stupid checkpoint placement (why don't bosses always give you a bonfire)

Mostly bosses weren't the problem, they generally felt pretty fair with their strategies, but the game by far has been the worst for making you walk miles just to have another attempt at the boss, sapping any fun out of the experience for me.

I have a lot to say, but honestly it barely matters, because all in all, I didn't enjoy dark souls. It's not awful and it was important for its time, but it does nothing for me. - 5.4/10

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2021
